Local Language

  • gypsy’s warning

    A quiet word to an employee or aquaintance, suggesting that they’d best proceed with caution in respect of their current conduct or attitude, or they may be in for an unpleasant surprise. The details of which aren’t actually set out by the giver of the warning, who may or may not have control over their…


  • Hey, Quiet Out There!

    So yesterday, on my way into the office there was a large chuck of Leicester Square blocked off by barricade and a large crane was behind it hanging a sign on the front of the Empire building. Now I guess I should tell you a bit about Leicester Square so you understand what I am talking…

  • Oh I, I will survive…

    Please allow me to introduce you to my new friend, Gina!   Since my sister couldn’t come with me to London, she sent a sista, aka Gina McSasspants, to look after me.  I hope you are all looking forward to the upcoming “Dang, Gina!” moments. Now, as you may already know, the FedEx outpost in…

  • Jenspeak

    My, my, my.  It’s London out there.  And in here, really. I feel like I must have felt on my first day at school.  My five senses are overloaded with the incoming information.  Wow, what people wear in this chilly weather!  When I close my eyes, I dream about foreign languages I barely understand. My…

  • The Huddlestons Have Landed

    So after thirteen hours of travel, Jen and I finally made it to the flat. We think we got pretty lucky with TM putting us in the same location as our previous visit because this time we will already be a little familiar with the locale. We had a little issue with shipping a few…

  • Deep Thoughts and Ranting

    I am constantly amazed by the enormity of the body of information that is lost on me. Another big fat wave of “really?!” is sure to hit me in the next five minutes. I knew there was a lot I didn’t know, and then I began the process of moving overseas. Through this shenanigan, I…

  • Live via Satellite-

    We sincerely apologize for the radio silence and recent interruption in your regularly scheduled programming.  Please be patient with us as we experience periods of time with no internet connection.  Additionally, our comcast email accounts will no longer be used.  When the address book is once again functioning, we will be sure to forward our…

  • Sleep. Not so much.

    This simple girl is having a hard time dealing with the weight of liquidating a household full of stuff.  Drew is much cooler.  We are running on fumes, though, and there isn’t any gas in the cars either. I must apologize for the delay in the release of precious details since our last post; I…

  • We interrupt your regularly scheduled program…

    Thanks to our collective faith, positive attitude, and willful visualization of that “SOLD” sign, there will soon be a “SOLD” sign in our yard! What an amazing feeling–if I weren’t so excited, I might be scared out of my shoes. Everyone breathe a sigh of relief and get some good sleep tonight. There will be…

  • The Epic Tale Continues…

    So this week my work permit arrived from the UK office. One would like to think that was the end of, what has become, the epic process of entering the UK, but one would be wrong. Apparently, while I can now legally work in the UK, I still have to be approved to ENTER the…

  • The Roller Coaster

    Updates- We now expect to board a plane for London on October 4th. We are being fingerprinted on Friday, 29 August. We send our paperwork to be processed to Chicago as soon as our fingerprints (and other biometrics) are on file. We have shown our house to the same buyer twice–and she likes the snacks.…

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