Can’t Stop Thinking About You
Today I walked a mile to my favorite grocery store to find out that it had closed early on Friday for a weekend of refurbishment. The Grand Re-Opening on Monday won’t be in time to get the groceries I need today. No bother, there are plenty of grocery stores in the area, I just thought…
Is it That Late Already?
Sadly, I feel that there is very little news to report. I have rearranged my CV so many times, and written so many covering letters, I am quite tired of myself. I have lost count of the number of jobs about which I have contacted recruiters–or the numbers of recruiters I have contacted to be…
All You Need is Love and Chocolate Chip Cookies
While we were in Nashville for the Christmas holidays I took a trip Whole Foods for vegan chocolate chips. I was disappointed that the shelf had far fewer bags on it than I had intended to buy, but we will manage to ration them until May–or until someone visits. The point of the story is…