Local Language

  • gypsy’s warning

    A quiet word to an employee or aquaintance, suggesting that they’d best proceed with caution in respect of their current conduct or attitude, or they may be in for an unpleasant surprise. The details of which aren’t actually set out by the giver of the warning, who may or may not have control over their…


  • Finally

    I did have to wait a while, but I am glad to have finally found peace with a few storm clouds in London.

  • Over the Rainbow

    I had a dream last night that I was tirelessly searching through boxes for Dorothy’s ruby slippers. Those sparkly shoes were no where to be found.

  • The House Guests Have Landed

    Today, I can say that Westminster Abbey is beyond my expectations because I finally went inside.

  • The Canals

    A totally new concept to me – canal walk. And it was here under my nose all this time.

  • Happy Mother’s Day!

    Yesterday we wandered around the grounds of St. Paul’s, enjoying the gardens and small green spaces between there and home while the sun warmed the city. We are looking forward to having visitors soon who will explore the cathedral with us. Between our flat and the church there are wonderful spaces that would be lovely…

  • Sober

    Who knew thunderstorms were such a integral part of my definition of home? London skies are a big tease.

  • Long Time, No See

    Would you believe me if I told you we were still sick? What if I told you that we were sick on a Bank Holiday? Yeah, I know.

  • Stupid White People

    The weather this weekend was wonderful.  The sun shone, the sky was blue, the clouds were white and few…  Unfortunately, we’ve been sick.  I wanted desperately to roam the streets with the sun on my back – I just couldn’t muster up the energy to do much at all.  On Saturday we thought we could…

  • Ah, Spring!

    Spring has sprung in London! Check out these lovelies in Lincoln’s Inn Field…

  • Beer Bum

    I had heard about this phenomenon, but now I have witnessed it.

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