The In-Between Time, Chapter Three

Vegan chocolate chip cookies rock.  They rock pretty hard core, actually.  Vegan not-chicken noodle soup is excellent, but it doesn’t hold a candle to vegan chocolate chip cookies.  Thank you, Skinny Bitches, for the chocolate cake that saved my life and the cookies that rock my socks off.

Now, on to things that do not rock.

  • Highlander, The Source
  • Cleaning out the drain in the shower
  • Pretending to be on Clean Sweep with my all time favorite collector, Drew Huddleston
  • Babies being harmed
  • Accidentally entering a hotel room that is occupied.  By honeymooners.  Happy, active honeymooners…
  • Running into people you know at the grocery store before you’ve showered or brushed your teeth
  • Bad Wolf
  • Cats on planes to London, specifically mine
  • Book Rental Failures
  • Writer’s block
As we continue to contemplate a move across the ocean, the yard sale pile grows.  (The pile of stuff to store might still be bigger…)  Please stay tuned for ways in which you may purchase awesome collector’s items or contribute to our big yard sale event.  Don’t make plans to leave town in the next three months.  I might need you to buy me a beer.