In The Beginning

Most people want to know if the nursery is ready for Peanut’s arrival. I am happy to say it is now…

My friend Suki has kindly passed down to us her precious Moses Basket!
moses basket from suki
Photo courtesy Elsa Konig

There is something really special about knowing a family loved this bed. A family that wished and wanted and celebrated a miracle have given us a treasure.

I think it looks completely at home in its new place.
moses basket from suki 1

This is exactly where Peanut should dream.
moses basket from suki 2

Until Peanut is old enough to have a room, we have shelves to store the sweet little socks. And by ‘sweet little socks’ I mean of course ‘baby stuff’.
baskets in our room

The guest room closet is slowly being taken over by sweet little socks. Really, our whole flat is being taken over by sweet little socks. I don’t think we mind a bit.

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