My Auntie Jean

My Auntie Jean taught me to stick out my tongue. She told me not to chew my food with my mouth open, treated me like her own daughter, and could always make me laugh out loud. I have fond memories of Christmas Eve chaos–I kind of wish she never introduced me to Fantasy Fudge but I love that she did, too… There were summer vacations with car trips that involved Ray Charles and Bill Cosby; too much giggling, hilarity ensued. More recently we started making memories of tea dates and Mexican lunches.

On one of our holidays back to US to visit, Auntie Jean gave me a little package with something pink inside.
baby blanket from Aunt Jeanie

It’s a sweet, sweet, hand made baby blanket of course.
unfolded baby blanket from Aunt Jeanie

I wasn’t pregnant at the time, but I understand that Auntie Jean had been given this pink yarn by mom and–as anyone who knew my mom would know–Auntie Jean really didn’t have any other choice but to knit us a baby blanket.

This gift is precious in so many ways. My Aunt is unspeakably talented and generous with her time; I am grateful to have received a hand made gift that she created. In a way though, my Auntie Jean not only gave our baby a gift from her own hands and heart- she also made it possible for my mom to give a gift to a grandchild she will never know. There just aren’t words to describe the swell in my heart or the lump in my throat.

I hope Peanut doesn’t mind pink because Peanut will be snuggled in this blanket.

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