Man, Are My Arms Tired…

Singapore Airlines, business class? Yes.
singapore airlines seat

“Ms. Huddleston, would you like Champagne or orange juice before take-off?” Yes. Yes I would.
tv and cocktail

“Ms. Huddleston, would you like some swag to make your journey comfortable and enjoyable?” Yes. I would. (Are you sensing a pattern?)
singapore airlines swag

feet up

I will put my feet up until dinner time, thank you.
vegan starter singapore airline

singapore airlines vegan dinner

“Ms. Huddleston, would you like help converting your…” I am going to stop you right there. Yes.
singapore airlines bed one

singapore airlines bed two

Singapore is, in my estimation, not entirely unlike a tropical suburb of New York City. Food stalls, open air markets, late shop hours, high rises, international travellers, posh looking locals… Check. The theatre district isn’t comparable, though there are museums, historic bits, seaside, riverside, tours, and the like. On second thought, if New York City London (?) and some efficient tropical Swiss or German metropolis met on a hot summer night for drinks and one thing lead to another… Perhaps Singapore is the long lost love child of such a pairing. I thank you to remember that most of the world is still very new to me.
green city

Without a doubt I enjoyed a Singapore Sling at Raffles hotel, suggestion courtesy of my tour guide Sian, who poses as my colleague for quite a few hours each week. (What can I say? I’ve got people.)
singapore sling

Sian also serves as a reliable source for advice on such things as Cantonese vs Japanese cuisine and UK vs Sinagpore sun. There is a big difference, you know.

Meetings are better poolside.

English is the national language. Signage is not on shortage. The city is spotless. I am at ease. Even in my bikini (well, that’s what I’m telling you, anyway). Yes, I brought sunscreen.

For more photos, visit the Huddleston flickr album.

2 responses to “Man, Are My Arms Tired…”

  1. That business class looked AWESOME…as did the tropical Singapore setting. I am geographically challenged, so it was not what I expected for Singapore. Glad you are getting to do some travel…even if it is with work (bleh!)