Working on the Weekend

As we sat in exhaustion – Sarah, Lauren, Drew, Stanley, and me – we marveled at how wondrous our living room view really is. Canal boats were docked below, with little people scurrying around to make supper. At eye level people carried on with their lives in their own flats while we watched. It’s entertaining when you aren’t tired, and a real riot when you are.

My fingers are still prune-y from all the washing, but it’s well worth it! The kitchen cabinets are full of well loved, mismatched, perfect kitchenwares. I have no doubt you’ll meet the cast of characters soon. (Sarah and her mum are the reason that you can now come for dinner.) Stanley enjoyed the Xbox while Sarah and I slaved away in the kitchen.
stanley plays xbox

I let Drew have a break since he stayed up past midnight last night putting together our new Ikea furniture.

We’ve done laundry. We’ve unpacked as many boxes as we could. We’ve cleaned a few things (besides dishes) and all of the cardboard has been carried to the recycling bin. We have killed zombies. We have droopy eyes. It’s a beautiful thing, really. Being this tired feels good.

Tomorrow then?

6 responses to “Working on the Weekend”

  1. Is Stanley a person…..or the xbox player?
    IS the Xbox paperplayerman Drew’s answer to Gina??

    Love you, Donna

  2. After reviewing a previous post, I answered one of my questions……Sarah is married to Jeremy……so Stanley isn’t her husband!!

  3. …and Stanley is Jeremy’s God Daughter’s friend who is traveling around by post visiting all the over the place. Oh my. That’s a mouthful. He and Gina get along fine : ) Don’t tell Stanley, but Gina said he is a little flat. Let’s face it, Gina’s personality kind of takes up a room.

  4. Hey now! Don’t make like I was doing nothing while you were washing dishes. I was working on the curtains (or lack there of).