First Dinner Party

My mom always wanted to know what I had for dinner. Maybe that’s why I feel so compelled to tell you all the time. Tonight we did something really special; we invited our friend Janita over and we ate at the table. I know, I know… Wow.

pre dinner

I can’t believe we actually set the table. I made this kick ash vegan pasta; which was somehow a mess before I could get a photo… We were hungry, alright?


For dessert we were very spoiled! I made vegan cakes that we cut open and drizzled with Elsa’s beautiful cherry jam.

dessert one

We topped the first layer with summer berries and home whipped cream.

dessert two

I am stuffed.

One response to “First Dinner Party”

  1. Did you were a paper bib, too??

    looks wonderful….you are such a great hostess…….love you, donna