Tom Petty. No Wait, David Bowie

You know it is early when an image of David Bowie slips into your head, but the name Tom Petty falls off your tongue. On a related note, you know you are hungry when you are willing to squeeze warm yellow snot between two pieces of brown toast, call it an egg sandwich, and wash it down with some apple juice. And you know you are delirious when you giggle until you nearly soil your new travel suit as you post a blog entry (on a stinking iPhone keypad) with your best little buddy Gina stashed in your carry-on with no ticket. It is bad but funny when your clumsy-double-thumb iPhone typo is so far from anything that the iPhone throws its hands in the air and says, ” dude, you are totally on your own with this one!?” It is 7:15a where we are and it is 1:15a where we are going; we may have had three hours sleep. With a little luck and some Tom Petty David Bowie on my iPod I will soon be a happy home goer.

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