Pepsi Pants

When I was little, it was all the rage to claim that you could tell the difference between Pepsi and Coke in a blind taste test. (It was also cool for girl to wear those lacy edged socks – folded down once – with their high heels and mini-skirt.) Anywho, we were a Pepsi family.

Christmas, two years ago…  My Auntie Jean has a great sense of humor.

Pepsi Pants

Don’t worry, I have grown out of the phase where I am not fussed to wear them to the grocery.

5 responses to “Pepsi Pants”

  1. It is amazing how much these pants mean to me. I am really proud to have them and be a part of this family.

  2. I love them and I love the “group” matching.
    I love ya’ll!! All ya’ll!
    Yes…….Drew, it is amazing. I guess it because of the unspoken meanings. Togetherness, Auntie Jean’s sacrifice to afford them all. Her GRAND idea, the many trips to get them. The way Vance and Julie were the first to kick off “the putting on of the pants”. It was an amazing idea, night and memory – one of the good ones. And right now, we really need them!

  3. I know that Jeanie and Bobby do……..his were very faded. I am not sure about the kids….. I don’t think she got them for any of this kids beside my teenagers.