The Canals

My friends have been telling me about nice walks along “the canal”, but I nodded my head and smiled with no concept of this activity. Recently, Drew and I actually walked along a short stretch of canal in the Islington area. It’s really such a strange new thing to me…

canal blue boat

canal 2

canal 3

The canals were built in the 18th century to transport goods (and then people) more cheaply and faster than by land. Now you can find walkers, bikers, and people lounging on the edge of the canals. Canal boats are still in use, though for different purposes these days!

Some of the coolest looking buildings in Islington can be found on a canal walk. It would be pretty cool to live in one of the reclaimed warehouse flats with a balcony overlooking the water. I wonder what Midnight would think of that…

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