Why Doesn’t Drew Post More Often?

And the answer is… I am busy. Nothing more glamorous than that unfortunately. Good news is, I am back with an update today so Jen could take the night off. May not be great news to you, but Jen is glad to have a night to herself.

Over the next few weeks Jen and I will be reworking the site a bit – adding things, moving things, and generally making it a much more interesting and informative place. You will notice we have added a coupe of things already, a skype status message and local weather tracker. These are just a couple of examples of things we thought might be interesting to those of you who visit regularly. The skype widget simply lets you know when we are near the phone (email us if you need the number) and the weather just so you have an idea of what kind of lovely London weather we are having while you are reading. …I also am thinking of adding a map detailing the places we have visited, and maybe a calendar.

So back to the funny.

Had a pretty uninteresting day at work. Mainly the same old routine I have had since we landed – two mile walk in the cold to work, followed by eight hours of life in a cube farm, followed by a two mile walk home and finally a few hours of being served a tasty homemade meal cooked by the greatest woman on the planet. So yeah, life has changed a good deal from Nashville and so far I am liking it. But come on, seriously, who wouldn’t enjoy having someone cook them breakfast every morning, dinner every night, does the dishes and laundry. …she even makes cupcakes and brownies for me! I couldn’t, and wouldn’t dare, ask for anything more.

Yesterday when I was stepping out to grab a bite to eat for lunch I was shocked to find an entire carnival had moved into the square. I just walked out the door and there it was. If I didn’t know better I would think it had materialized out of thin air in the blink of an eye. Strangest thing.

That of course was not half as entertaining as the sight I beheld today. Some of you may have heard of this movie that just came out in the states, Twilight. Yeah so apparently it is some kind of hit with the ‘tween’ crowd (know anything about it, Ashlee?) back in the states bringing the romance back to vampires. So anyway, the thing premiered in Leicester Square this evening.


You would think it was the second coming of The Beatles. Crowds of young girls screaming all over the place. I had noticed they were setting up some barricades outside the Vue theater on Leicester Square this morning with the giant Twilight sign out front so I had a good guess it was coming, but I was NOT expecting the pure insanity of these kids. I have footage (and I apologize for the weird close-up of my mouth, I’m not used to being my own camera man).


And here is a little bit more closer to the front of the theater. It was surprisingly less crazy toward this end. Think that is because all the stars were hitting the red carpet at the other end.


Yeah, so that is good times. Maybe next time I post a blog I will be able to actually make you laugh.

Oh, actually I will leave you with this – Jen’s new british word ‘bap’ is not only a slang term for a large roll, but is also a humorous reference to women’s breasts. So be careful when and if you choose to use that one while you are here for a visit because you will either get some tasty bread or a sharp slap.


4 responses to “Why Doesn’t Drew Post More Often?”

  1. Holy vampires that is so cool 🙂 Although I am not easily star struck, if I were there I might have been the only person in my late twenties screaming like a 16 year old girl!

  2. Seriously folks, I think the addition of this little Drew ICON really brightens up the whole website. He is so cute.

  3. Man, I listened to the whole first book with a suspicion that it was targeted towards teenage girls. Then found out that it was at the end.