I find myself with an evening to myself and it causes to me to wonder what the Queen might do–with a free evening, of course.  I have no delusions that I understand the Queen’s daily schedule and all it entails.  In any case, the Queen might be jealous that I have plans to make a Victoria Sandwich, drink some wine, and take over the world plot to revive a color guard, though perhaps not in that order.
There’s no time to explain. Â I have phone calls to make, numbers to dig up, sketches to mail, emails to send, and music to share. Â It’s hard being so far away from you. Â If you are interested in enlisting in the volunteer pool, throwing money at these cute kiddos or hosting a fundraiser (it’s fun and easy), making phone calls, or just sending the love around, please email me.
Say a prayer and cross your fingers that the resources line up–and that I have learned enough about the silly oven not to burn my cake!  Visualize the Victoria Sandwich…