Weekend Update

Word of the Day: Wellies

It’s cold in London.  How would someone educated like yourself spell BBRRRRRRrrrrrr?!

We had a great time last night mixing with some of Drew’s coworkers.  The bar was really cool though the music was crappy and too loud.  I had to yell so much that my throat was scratchy this morning.  It was worth it to have conversations that amounted to more than giving someone my account number and address…  I had the opportunity to spend some quality time with Janita, who has been amazing enough to invite me out for what she calls “girly” time and keep me informed about how not to look silly.  It was also a great opportunity to hug two of my top-five favorite locals.  MMMMmmm–normal people.

Drew and I waited for the rain to stop this morning before venturing across the street for pizza.  (It’s amazing how quiet this part of town is on the weekend!)  There may have only been two tables in the restaurant with guests, I noticed while we waited to take our food home.  It was tempting to sit down and enjoy the roaring atmosphere, but we opted for lunch with Ugly Betty.  Pizza, Saturday, and enjoying a show all about me and my former boss totally go hand in hand.

So, speaking of Wellies, what’s your Wellie style?  And what’s the word on the street about the fashion implications of proper rain boots?
Jen wellies

drew wellies

I had the opportunity to speak to several ladies about their feelings on Wellies.  It seems that girls living outside the city are more apt to purchase and actually wear rain boots.  The inner-city girls tend to be of the mind that one should only wear Wellies to a festival.  My vote is still out.

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