“Remember, Remember…

the fifth of November
Gunpower, treason, and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
should ever be forgot.”

There are fireworks booming outside and I was a little excited about it at first. It felt a little bit like London was celebrating just for Drew and me because we voted. When I researched the 5th of November tradition of bonfires and fireworks, I decided it wasn’t something I wanted to associate with the US election at all. The fireworks are nice, but what a thing to teach your children!?

Though I got off to a bit of slow start this morning, I did leave the recruitment agency search and CV re-writing to go by the bank and purchase a few things for the flat. While I was at the bank, I sat down with a personal banker to discuss the problems I have been having with Barclays–specifically the problem of repeatedly requesting and waiting on a debit card that never comes. (I know you think you’d heard this one. This is actually a separate trip to the bank than the first, second, or third time.) We may switch banks.

Points of interest:

  • For some reason, when you buy a dish-drying rack in London, it does not come with the rubber/plastic mat that sits underneath to catch the water. HMMM?
  • Most Londoners have coats that are either black or grey.
  • In a light drizzle it is not necessary to pull out an umbrella and poke everyone’s eyes out as you squeeze through the crowds.  If you are not carrying a hat, so sad for you.  (Your hair looks fine.)
  • People will stand very close to you everywhere you are.  Put your earbuds in your ears and rock out.
  • Asking for hot tea in a cafe or restaurant is rather dumb.  That’s how tea is always served, stupid.
Today I found my grocery store home.  Those of us that truly have the gatherer instinct know how really helpless one feels until they have identified that place, the mecca, of the stuff they want.  I found a Waitrose right around the corner from our flat.  MMM.  Tofu.
Just so you know, uploading photos with our new internet service is not a picnic.  I have crashed quite a few blog postings lately, hence the spread.  Sometimes I get so frustrated and it gets so late, that I just quit.  For the sake of a photo that I so desperately worked to post, may you enjoy this fuzzy kitty photo.  It brings a smile to my face when I need it.

I wish it was a photo of my own cat, but my cat is not so photogenic, you know, being that he is black and crazy. So, my sister’s family cat will have to do.  What do I miss today? Midnight. Like crazy. Who knew it would be this bad?!

If you are a regular reader, please be sure to check for old posts that you have missed due to our technical difficulties!  If you are not so regular, shame on you, but you won’t know the difference.

3 responses to ““Remember, Remember…”

  1. Happy you guys got to vote! Sad that you miss midnight. 🙁

    I shopped at what would have been your new Publix today. It was very nice, but it’s no Waitrose. 😉

  2. That cat is FAT and it makes me happy! I am always caught up with you guys 🙂 You’re in my Google reader and even if there are 93,000 new other blog posts for me to read, this is one of the first one’s I click! Keep it up!