Well, after four hours of traipsing all over this side of the city, we have a power strip and voltage adapter.  We do not have a mixer, cake pans, tennis shoes, or a USB handset for our Skype phone.  We did write down some information from a recruitment agency we passed.  We found some cool job postings and I’m sure they will continue to have more like it.  I have things to chase down on Monday!
I went to the grocery store twice and I used one of those pay toilets at something like a mall.
That’s all I’ve got. Â It’s boring, but it’s real.
Love you!
One response to “Pancake Day!”
Skype name, please?? I’ll need it for when I’m sitting here watching ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philidelphia” episodes on the FX website at times oddly congruent with normal time in London INSTEAD of doing homework or saving the world like I should be.