So much for so little

Yesterday was a brilliant experiment in patience and self preservation.  I went to the bank, yet again, to request that another mistake be corrected.  I don’t know anymore how many people have been involved in our grand banking adventure.  Just when it seems that the clown car cannot hold another circus member, we pack another one in.  It will be a glorious day when we can all jump out and dance away as the end credits of “bank error” roll to Danny Elfman’s “Big Top Pee Wee” Theme.

I hear you.  More photos.  It is on the list for tomorrow, I promise.  Today I attempted to print out an application and CV with no printer.  This means interrupting Drew at work and being a little inefficient with my time.  Tomorrow I have more to print, though I haven’t even finished creating them all!  I also have to deliver all of this paper work to the University where I am applying.  Maybe between the University offices and a recruitment agency I can stop for some photo opportunities.

In my back and forth today, I did manage to look at winter coats in a few stores.  I am just itching to buy some outrageously English clothes and head to work.  I know that no one here will appreciate how much like fancy dress this is for me; hopefully we’ll manage to get some photos so that you can experience tights and boots as well.  You know you want some in your wardrobe.

This evening is full of email, a movie (a bad one), dinner, and job search paperwork.  I am making up such lovely things about myself that I can’t imagine how anyone could consider passing me over.  And I make a mean twice baked mash.  That’s important for potlucks in the work place.  You don’t want to hire that girl that makes the jello with mayonnaise and fruit in it.  If you are that girl, stop taking that stuff unless you really don’t like anyone you work with.

Much love to you and all my very best for a great rest of the week!