The Roller Coaster

We now expect to board a plane for London on October 4th.
We are being fingerprinted on Friday, 29 August.
We send our paperwork to be processed to Chicago as soon as our fingerprints (and other biometrics) are on file.
We have shown our house to the same buyer twice–and she likes the snacks.
We are working on a Bon Voyage Bash for the week prior to our departure.
We cheer ourselves up each evening with cheezburgers and the failure of others.

When I stand still, even for a moment, I feel the way one feels on the last few clicks of the climb you make on a roller coaster. Although buying the ticket and getting on the ride took courage, I am aware that I could never be prepared for what’s in store. It’s going to be bumpy and my hair is gonna be bad when it’s safe to loose my grip on items such as sunglasses or hats. How do you get ready for something you’ve never experienced? Someone told me that you are much less likely to be injured if you fall down the stairs while you are asleep; she tried that one night. I think the moral of the story is to try your best to let what is wash over you, get in sync and be at peace with the rhythm that is life as we know it, and rest when it’s not your turn to row.

Thank you again for your immeasurably profound love, encouragement, and support. It’s true that you don’t know what you have until you lose it (or move across the ocean from it).

All my best and all our love to you.

One response to “The Roller Coaster”

  1. Joey, I bit the big one. Got a MacBook today I’m so excited with all that it can do and can’t hardly wait to start playing with it. We just got back from KNX a little while ago and it needs to be plugged in for several hours before I start at it the guy said, and we’re having a snow storm tonite, so I’ll wait until a.m.Saw a neurosurgeon today. Will porbably have back surgery about the middle of January. Going to try acupuncture (sp) while I wait and to loose some more weight in the meantime. Love Aunt Nener