
Now that I am nearly an expert at flying from London to Nashville and vice versa, I can say with confidence that every flight in and out of Nashville, Tennessee is carrying at least one guitar.  (Generalizations are just funnier than the truth, ok?)

From the rooftops I can shout thanks for clean laundry in my suitcase upon returning back to my flat in London with its tiny little washer and drying rack challenges!  Without reservation I can recommend taking less than you think you will need at the outset so that you have room in your suitcase for the crap gifts vegan chocolate chips you take back home.  Wholeheartedly I encourage you to get rid of things you forgot you had in the back of your closet to make space for the new things you bring home.

What other handy tips can I offer for those of you wondering if you would like to make your first trip overseas?

  • You must pass through the Border Agency (homeland/national security) and Customs.
  • From Nashville to London each non-EU citizen must fill out a landing card with your UK address on it.
  • From London to Nashville you fill out one card per family with your US address on it; US citizens fill out the blue and white card, not the green one.
  • Meat, fresh produce, and dairy products may be destroyed at customs.
  • It is not always well accepted when you discipline someone else’s children on the plane or in the airport; if you do decide to throw a mini-fit, try to speak to the parent and/or flight attendant first when the kid clogs the toilet, yells, attempts to break airplane equipment, never buckles up, puts his feet on his tray, and kicks your seat.
  • Bring bottled water, dried fruit/nuts, pretzels, and a Clif bar; the airline food may scare you going down and/or coming out.
  • You will need ear plugs, a neck pillow, and an eye mask.
  • Consider the time of day at your destination and attempt to get your stomach on that schedule.  Please just trust me on this one; I don’t ever pass gas myself or do other undesirable bathroom things so I can’t quite explain, but I heard that advice from someone who does…
  • Drink plenty of water the week before you get on the plane.  If you often suffer from headaches, motion sickness, allergies, or other illness, by all means have your medicine on you.  Smear some Neosporin in your nose.  Learn to yawn at will.

Not least, you should pack your liquids and near liquids in one of these:

hefty big bag

That is, unless you enjoy wearing your body wash and grape jelly on your clothes (Ok, the grape jelly didn’t explode, but it is certainly a tragic miracle that it didn’t). Yeah, my sister is way smart (and something beyond hilarious) for sending us home with with a Hefty body bag – or “portable kitchen” as she likes to call it.

Thanks sister dear!

One response to “Flying”

  1. Thanks for making me laugh so I won’t cry so much!!!
    Hilarity ensues…..when you are around!
    Love you both so much…….Donna