Mad Mission

A year ago you came to me, like you knew that my patience for this mad mission had run out. And I have had a year to prepare for this ‘goodbye’ – which really is a ‘see you later’ – but knowing that something is coming does not make it painless.
cc and lc arriving
cc and lc

The tide has a way of advancing and receding. And circumstance has a way of shaping perspective…
cc and lc masks

You tethered me in critical moments to solid ground; you taught me to see possibilities I had not considered before. I can’t thank you enough for that.
cc and lc winchester

On days like yesterday—when feelings are far too complex for words, what I have to say comes out in cupcakes. And, well, sometimes guacamole.
guacamole fixings

cupcake mess

It’s easier to let actions speak.
red velvet cupcakes

(Or cupcakes, rather.)

Then on days like today, when I am through being strong for you—I retreat to my corner a bit broken or bruised and wrestle my thoughts onto paper.

It is hard to separate the feelings I have on your behalf and those I have for me.
cc and lc marksman

London feels lonely this morning.

I am sad to see you leave, but so thankful for what is waiting for you. While I ache with envy over your return, I guess you might feel the same about my extended stay, each of us knowing we are exactly where we ought to be… I hurt for you, understanding what ‘goodbye’ might be like. Most of all though, I do have a great peace in my heart. You are taking ‘home’ with you (and take it everywhere you go). I cannot imagine an adventure that you could not face together.

Though it has certainly been painful watching you go, it has been well worth the time (and love and laughs and lack of sleep) we had. Every star has ‘to burn itself up just to make itself alive.’ (Emily Saliers) And I think we have lots of light left.

4 responses to “Mad Mission”

  1. Beautiful Jen…what an amazing year for all 4 of you. Amidst the sadness I know you are all feeling, my heart is full of seeing a friendship that grew stronger over this year and that will remain for a lifetime.
    Lots of Love and hugs for you.

  2. Thanks sweetie (that’s you Nicole)! We’ll all be fine and we are better for the wearing, no doubt! I had no idea how attached I had become (even after trying to remember they would be leaving eventually) so I was definitely caught off guard… I’d like to think we could all be near one another soon! With babies and throwing barbecues. XO

  3. Candace came to work in the UK for a year when her company needed someone experienced to come over to sort things out for a client. It was awesome to have the time to get to know her and it felt like we had some really focused time together, all four of us.