Stand by Me

Can you say ‘struggling’ girls and boys? Don’t be afraid to try: ‘Struggling.’

That’s very good.

Now let’s use it in a sentence: ‘I am struggling.’ (The slang term ‘struggling’ is in this case interchangeable with ‘busted’, but should not be confused with ‘crunk’, ‘messed up’, or ‘whack’.) It’s very important that you know what to do when you are struggling, girls and boys. You count your blessings.

Though I will spare you the insanity of hearing all about it, I am going to share with you today’s Five Things Jen is Thankful For.

#1 Hello.

drew and jen

#2 My sister is coming, my sister is coming!

#3 Yeah, for real.

#4 I could hold up a mirror, this would be the place for it. Under this sentence, down there. Right there. Forget it. Just go look in the dang mirror!

#5 There are people in Trafalgar Square standing by to help.
free hugs two

free hugs one

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