Show Me the Money!

When the United Kingdom joined the European Union (EU), it was the only country to keep its own currency. Some members of the EU consider this a serious controversy. (Except ‘controversy’ sounds a bit silly when a Brit says it, if I do say so m’self.) Well, it seems that the UK is sticking to its guns on this one.

Great Britain has minted coinage with a brand new design.
new british coins

The crest is the Queen’s. The design is Matthew Dent’s (Mr Dent has not commented on his relation to Arthur Dent). At 26, he is the youngest person to design the nation’s money, but he won the contest fair and square.

I think this says two things: Before the Queen passes the crown to Prince William she intends to make sure she’s still in circulation for a long time to come. The UK is giving the Euro the finger.

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