Both Sides Now

If you’ve got it, put it on. Joni Mitchell, green tights, a pot of tea… Yes. I mean one or all of those things. (My motto still remains, ‘Don’t Stick Out, Stand Out!’ in case you have been concerned about that.) You must be wondering what in the Dickens I am talking about. (Me too, sometimes.)

One of the things I miss is not a thing at all. Other American ex-pats go on about a deep seated longing for Peter Pan peanut butter – it is silly good, I know – or good customer service which is actually customer oriented, as it is in their hometown Anywhere, US. I can live without those things apparently. Good pizza, mexican food, Lucky Charms, car, house, yard, interstate commute…I am adjusting to life without all of that and more. (Of these, quality customer service is the one I miss the most.)

Aside from wishing to be closer to my big weird and wonderful family, my heart longs to be color guard connected. [That reminds me that I have completely neglected my favorite color guard commentator; Amber, if you are out there – I mean to make it up to you if I can.]

Now I have seen a championships event on ‘both sides now’ – both sides of the ocean, that is.

Winter Guard United Kingdom felt quite a bit like home… It’s mostly the same, with a few regional differences. I know you are on the edge of your seat to hear them.

There are lots of dads in the ‘floor crews’ and in the audience. Floor crews are pretty stinking organised, and t-shirted for most every single group. This dad wins.
WGUK dad

These floor crew parents even had their own full on costume! I counted no fewer than three green dresses with (masquerade mask) and suits…
floor crew costume

The Cadet and Junior classes are large, with some performers being younger than I have ever seen.
color guard uk

There is alcohol at the concession stand, but I didn’t see anyone purchase or consume it. People pack lunches and eat in the stands all day. Judges and color guard captains are thanked after agreeing that they are ready for performance – and units do not ‘take the floor for competiton’, they “commence their performance’. According to my new friends here, only one winter guard in the WGUK circuit is affiliated with a marching band and only one winter guard in the WGUK circuit is affiliated with a drum corp.

I have been invited to attend rehearsals for one winter guard which puts on a stage show during the summer. I am really excited about learning a totally new aspect of the activity. I have seen things like Flash!, but haven’t been involved with projects like that at all. New people, new skills, new place… It’s a privilege to be a witness for the sheer value of learning.

And maybe I’ll experience less home sickness.

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