In our first flat, I never got over the feeling that we were living in someone else’s home. Perhaps it was the impersonality of the agency that managed it – meaning that we had no contact with the landlord – or maybe it was that the landlord was on holiday and would be returning at some point. Either way, I appreciated the flat for the ways we grew into it. It just never really felt like it was our place.
There is something magic about the new place. Despite the fact that it needs some repairs, it feels like home. I am guessing that part of it has something to do with having a lovely landlord that has encouraged us to get comfy.
Maybe it helps to have a little paint on a formerly wonky wall.
And maybe it has something to do with these lovely dishes filling the cabinets.
Just look at this sweet thing…
There’s a drawer for baking stuff. I can’t ask for much more.
Except maybe another drawer for baking stuff.
I’m kidding. It’s not all for baking.
4 responses to “In My Own Little Corner”
Love it! Great color…. Hope you had a relaxing weekend…….love ya’ll!
Aww…looks so cozy! Good to hear you feel at home.
Glad the new place is working out – love the color and dinning area…and love the cooking stuff. Looks like there will be lots of “homemade” goodies coming from there.
Love your new place! It looks fab with the paint and everything!! 🙂