I had hoped to introduce these next two amazing products Rod Roddy style. Unfortunately, no one else is THAT good…

One thing I have learned while Living in London is that I don’t know much. But I have also learned that the phrase ‘breaking wind’ is somehow related to a symptom that ails Brits. Good news. There is a treatment. But can you imagine being the clinical researcher on THAT trial? “After taking Remegel, can you rate your wind from 1 to 5, 1 being a soft summer breeze and 5 being a pretty nasty tornado in a campground full of travel trailers?”

Remegel is a product that promises Wind Relief, in a ‘chewy not chalky’ formula.
gina with remegel

Why is this so funny to me? Dad, any ideas?
remegel close up

I could not resist this product, even though it was not on my grocery list. I only wish that they would let me dream up a concept for their next television commercial, you know like the good marketing team at Gas-X.

The next brilliant little product was something I had no idea I would need. But when you hang your clothes to dry in a tiny flat – and the heat is on – steam city. Even when we both behave.

Someone brilliant put some desiccant (that’s a fancy word for cat litter for you non-science types) in plastic container to draw the water in there instead of it coating the windows.
gina with unibond

While I am pleased with the product itself, I am more than hopeful about the box it came in.
unibond answers

So far, this new magic 8 ball has not answered “all my questions”.
unibond close answers

I am going to continue to ask it things like, “why did I choose a flat with no dishwasher?”. Until it gives me the ultimate answer, I will concentrate and ask again.

Visit the website. You know you want to.