Day-Glo is for Our Health and Safety

Do you remember when I told you how seriously we take Health and Safety at work here in the UK?  I was not kidding.

H and S Officer

Seriously. Every company must have designated Fire Marshals and back-ups with appropriate day-glo attire.

At my office we endeavor never to schedule any activity for Friday at 3:45pm when the routine test of the fire alarm system is performed. Someone comes around twice a day to take note of who is in the building should it burn down. I say again, I am not kidding.

The world of work in the UK is a strange land of meetings, coffee, and biscuits… It’s a place where said meetings are held to plan more meetings and no one leaves with any idea what actions should follow aforementioned meetings. It’s world where we use words like ‘orientate’ and ‘complexicity’ with wreckless abandon.

‘Orientate’ is actually a word; it just gets used incorrectly all too often. But ‘complexicity’?! I mean, using that word just makes a complex situation more complexer-er. I can’t take it. I have to make a cup of tea have a break.