They Call Her The Streak

This little pseudo-Londoner has learned a few things. I’ve met some saucy British women who have given me the confidence to say what I think in a more direct manner (I am taking baby steps). They’ve taught me to say things like, “that’s absolutely unacceptable” and “oh, no that won’t do at all” with a confident smile. I’ve felt a little taller. I even got a free lunch.

These training sessions have come in handy lately. Take this week’s test, for example.

This is the scaffolding a work crew has erected above our flat, apparently to fix a leaky roof issue.
over bedroom

This is the window in our bedroom that faces East.
in bedroom

What you can’t see in these photos is the view said work crew would have into my bedroom and bathroom at the time of day I am most likely to be naked in my flat.

Thank goodness I knew just what to say, and had practiced my sternest tone, when I rang up the Estate Manager.

2 responses to “They Call Her The Streak”

  1. You GO Saucy! Set’em straight…LOL! (Secretly, I do think I’d have to hear it for myself to believe it…LOL) You are one of the most polite people I know!)

  2. That’s so sweet of you to say! My co-workers consider me to be too polite; they find it unnerving sometimes. That’s why the lessons had to begin… I think I am still polite, even when ranting about the workers who may have caught us in a state of undress on Monday morning. It’s a process. Love you! Hope all is well with you and yours!