Life Means So Much

It’s actually* much harder than I thought it would be to pick up where I left off telling this little story about our life in London after my mother’s tragic death.  When you (any blogger) are putting information in such a public place it is easy to stumble over just how much you should share.  Blogs can also be tempting places for really personal sentiments as well as those things that you wouldn’t say to a live person – in other words, it can be easy to treat it more like a journal than a ubiquitous broadcast.  I’ll do my best to continue reporting the facts about where in London you should hang like the locals and how nice it is to eat ice cream for lunch on at least one summer day each year.  (Yes, today was our day.)  There will be smiles in photos, even celebrations sometimes.  I will have to trust that you always know that I miss her despite the fact that I may not mention it in every post.  Let it go without saying that my heart aches in the background and I think of her all day long, every day.  Everyone says that time will ease this burden; I believe that.  I do find comfort in that thought.  There is incredible love in my life (that’s you), I am married to my best friend (to whom I now feel nearly physically attached, really, he is that good to me), beautiful people continue to cross my path, I am being challenged to grow, summer in London is amazing, and great events are still on their way.  And so we move forward.

So, where did I leave off anyway?!

I think I told you that you Jane and Quinn came to stay – they arrived on Friday, 4 June.  (Yes, that’s how we write about dates here.  No, you don’t read it like it looks.  You would read “4 June” as “the fourth of June”.  I know, I know, it’s ridiculous.)  On Friday, I met our friends at the airport and we had lunch at The Shakespeare after dropping their bags at the flat.

The Shakespeare

We had another frosty round at The Slaughtered Lamb before a 35 minute power nap. 

The Slaughtered Lamb

Then, it was off to dinner with Drew at Woodlands off Leicester Square.  They are quite well known for their dosas.  Just look at ours!

Woodlands' dosas

It was a great way to start a weekend of giggling, play fighting, toasts, sites, photos, exploration, late night talks, video games, cupcakes, pubs, food, and cool weather for walking.

I didn’t even have the chance to tell you about our adventures with Laura and Pinky at the end of May…  Whew!  We have got a lot of catching up to do.  Why don’t you get some rest and come back tomorrow with a cup of tea and several biscuits?  We’ll meet here for the next installment.  Go, make this day count.  You have my love.

* Actually, that’s just for you, mom. Actually.

(photo credits must be shared with one Miss Jane Grimes; thank you a million times for your snappy save!)

3 responses to “Life Means So Much”

  1. LOVE to you! We had an absolutely fabulous time – and you, my dear, are positively the BEST tour guide to London. We are still in post-vacation blues and wish we were still with you two. I’ve already been planning our return trip! Also glad that we could help to ease your mind a little while we were there – and allow you to focus on living life! We love you both dearly – and can’t wait to see you again.

  2. you are so amazing…nuff said.

    I can just see you jumping up after 35 minute power nap. “Let’s get moving! There’s more London to see!!”

    Love you guys!

  3. Yes, I was a tireless slave driver, of course. I think they were sleeping with their eyes open on the stumble home after the Indian food. Can’t wait to have Kassi dragging me around!

    Jane, see you again soon!