It’s a Piece of Cake to Bake a Pretty Cake

Sky news claims that 7 million London based workers stayed home from work yesterday and another 2 million played hooky today due to the worst snowy weather London has seen in 18 years.  Drew managed to walk to work this morning.  Living close to work has its benefits and its drawbacks…  I must say, though, I would have gone if I had the choice myself.  The grass is always greener on the other side.

Tomorrow, when I’ve gone through all the job vacancies relevant to my skills and work history, I think I’ll start calling bakeries.  My sister asked why I couldn’t make a living making cupcakes or decorating cakes.  It was funny at first; I am cake snob who knows I don’t have any real marketable skill in this area.  But then I gave it another moment in my head.  Why couldn’t I work for a bakery anyway?  Someone has to assist the decorator right?!  Someone bakes the cakes, takes the orders, and cleans up at night.  Why couldn’t that be me?  Brilliant.  You’ll be fat when you leave London.

One response to “It’s a Piece of Cake to Bake a Pretty Cake”

  1. Oh man, I will be so jealous! I want to be a Boulanger and bake bread all day.

    I think you should consider making cupcakes and selling them at Brick Lane market or some other well attended market (to start). Cupcakes have HUGE profit margins and the ones currently on sale there look rather dodgy. Once you make a name for yourself there, you can then move to the high dollar Borough Market and raise your prices even more and make a killing. Em, Drew and I will help man the booth on the weekends, and you slave away at the oven Thursday – Saturday.

    Hello Cupcake in DC makes quite good cupcakes in some unusual flavours.

    Vegan cupcakes will command even more of profit! You’ll be rich!