Freaky Friday

I have no idea how to get off the phone with a Londoner.  There is a long string of “brilliant, excellent, absolutely fine, cheers, of course, lovely, just brilliant, tomorrow then, cheers, brilliant, wonderful…”  What can I say to let them know I understand that we are done talking and that we both intend to hang up?  It might be another of the world’s greatest mysteries.

This week I have felt quite like I live here.  We’ve have been to the theatre twice.  I took a train journey out of town and back without any anxiety; I even confidently marched myself to the information desk to confirm the station where I would make the change.  Tomorrow I have planned a day of sightseeing with friends and an evening of live music recommended by the famous Cookeville based music critic, Kassi Thomas.  I am guessing that Sunday might be a nice, lazy day.

My friend Virginia made brussels sprouts for us at Thanksgiving–and made a brussels sprouts lover out of me.  Before that meal I had never made them myself.  Since then, however, I have made them at least four times.  Tonight I made a new version that sounded good to my scratchy throat.  We are going to call them Agave Lemon Brussels Sprouts.  MMmmmm.


Agave Lemon Brussels Sprouts

1 pound brussels sprouts, washed

vegetable broth

agave nectar/honey

lemon juice



olive oil or soy butter (optional)


First, mix a couple tablespoons each agave nectar or honey and lemon juice.  Set aside.  Cut fresh, washed brussels sprouts in half (top to bottom) and saute them in a frying pan with your choice of oil, sprinkling with salt and pepper.  Sprouts will turn a golden color on the cut side when they are ready for the next step.  If you prefer to leave out the oil, skip ahead a little…  Add enough vegetable broth to cover the bottom of the pan and continue to cook until the brussels sprouts are the texture you like.  Then, turn off the heat and add sweet lemon sauce.  Stir to coat.  Serve.

Just so you know, they are super tasty without the agave lemon sauce….

What was most amazing about my day was that Drew came back home about five minutes after he had left for work.  He decided to work from home as part of an agreement he and his boss had made.  It was nice to have a workmate.  He did actually have to work, but we had lunch together and he kept me company while I coughed and sneezed on my computer.  Isn’t that romantic?

One response to “Freaky Friday”

  1. I’m so sad that you are not feeling absolutely wonderful.
    Cuddling helps!
    On a completely different subject – I love my new washer!
    PS. did I tell you that Sears came through and replaced my boat anchor (LEMON)?

    Miss you like crazy!
    Have a brilliantly fabulous weekend!